Synopsis: In a fantastical fairytale world, two Korean American sisters are deemed too fat to fit in their family grave. Will the sisters’ close bond survive under the pressure of their community and fretful parents, who will spare no effort to get them tinier? Jar of Fat is an absurdist comedy that explores desire, ugliness, and beauty.

Content warning: fat shaming, fatphobia, body dysmorphia, and emotional and physical violence.


Cast List

Abilene – Kelly Marie Tran

Clementine – Diana Oh

Reverend – Jully Lee

Mom – Chuja Seo

Dad – Brian Lee Huynh

Christian – Jae Woo

Leo – Zion Jang

Face Reader – Zoë Kim

Stage Directions – Jose Gamo

Assistant Director – Major Curda

Stage Manager – Taeuk Kang


La MAMA Etc Downstairs Theater 66 East 4th Street New York, NY 10003

Design Team

  • Taeuk Kang | Stage Manager

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